
9 Days

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The Jordan Islamic Trip is a Tour of 9 days intended for individuals wishing to visit Jordan’s most religious sites from an Islamic point of view. So if you wish to deepen your knowledge about the History of Islam or just get to know Jordan this is your best choice.

9 Days /8 Nights

Upon your arrival, one of our representatives will meet you with a sign of your family name at Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA). Within 30 minutes you will be in your hotel in Amman.

After check-in at the hotel, we will leave you to rest and freshen up so you can be ready for the next day trip.

After breakfast, we start the morning with a visit of The Citadel with remains from the Roman to the Islamic period as well as the Archaeological Museum. This site is quite significant as it is evidence that modern Amman has been occupied for the last 7,000 years.

Citadel Outline:

  • Temple of Hercules: Built between 162 and 166 ADS, this massive structure dedicated to Hercules is larger than any of the temples in Rome.
  • Byzantine Church: A basilica built between the 5th and 6th centuries.
  • Umayyad Mosque: The remains of the Umayyad governor’s palace mosque dating from the 8th century.
  • Dome of the Vestibule: A modern recreation of the interior of the dome of the Umayyad Vestibule.


We will now head off to The Roman Amphitheatre, which can be viewed from the citadel. It is a large and steeply raked theatre that could seat approximately 6,000 people and was built into the hillside facing north, to keep the sun off spectators.

Afterwards, we will visit King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein Mosque, built on remains of a mosque in 640 ADS by caliph Umar bin Al Khattab. You will feast your eyes on a beautifully domed mosque, embedded with millions of glimmering blue mosaics awaiting your camera lens to capture its beauty.


Abdul Rahman bin Auf

We then drive to the tomb of the venerable companion Abdul Rahman bin Auf - one of the Ten Blessed Companions Whom Prophet Muhammad‎ promised a place in heaven. He was among the first eight people to accept Islam. He was present for all major campaigns and battles of Islam the Prophet Muhammad took part in including: Al Khandaq (the trench); Uhud (in Al –Madina); Hunayn; the Conquering of Mecca; and Badr, where he was injured. At the Treaty of Hudaybiya (west of Mecca), he was a signatory, which resulted in a compromise where Mecca gave religious and political recognition to the community of Muslims.

Bilal bin Rabah

Later we visit the tomb of a noble companion Bilal bin Rabah. Bilal embraced Islam while he was still a slave, his master at the time—Umayyad bin Khalaf—tried to force him into renouncing his faith by placing a huge rock over his chest in the summer heat. He bravely fought in the battles of Badr and Uhud, where he avenged himself against his former master. Bilal, was gifted with a beautiful voice and soon became the Prophet's personal muezzin.

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers

We will then make you visit the cave of the Seven Sleepers (Kahf Al–Raqim), Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in a Sura named Al-Kahf (the Cave), it is located outside the village of Al-Raqim, 10 km east of Amman.

This is where a group of devout Christian youths sought refuge from prosecution by the tyrannical Roman Emperor Trajan for monotheism. To keep them safe, Allah put them to sleep. They awoke 309 lunar years later; however, by then, Christianity was widespread, so Allah put them to sleep for eternity in the cave.

There are eight smaller tombs that are sealed. Also, there are Byzantine and Roman ruins still standing as well as a mosque, that exactly fits the description in the Holy Qur'an.

Abu Ubeida Amer ibn Al-Jarrah

After breakfast, we will visit the tombs of Abu Ubeida Amer ibn Al-Jarrah who was a Venerable Companion and military leader for Prophet Muhammad, and one of the first converts to Islam. He was also related to the Prophet, and was among the early Muslims to escape to Abyssinia. One of the Blessed Ten, he was promised a place in paradise.

Abu Ubeida was the chief commander of the Northern Muslim Army that victoriously captured Greater Syria. Prophet Muhammad dubbed him the "Trustee of the Nation” because of his incredible knowledge. He was a candidate for the Caliphate Abu Ubeida, but chose to honor Prophet Muhammad’s request to lead prayers. He instead supported Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq to become Caliph to lead the Muslims.

Abu Ubeida managed to avoid insurrection and disunity among the Muslims. He fell victim to the Great Plague that spread through Greater Syria and died at the age of 58. His tomb In the Jordan Valley is a major Islamic Centre with a library, cultural Centre and mosque.

Mo'ath ibn Jabal

At the age of 18, Venerable Companion Mo'ath ibn Jabal entered Islam. Being quite a handsome and generous man, he undertook the task of organising the Holy Qur'an. The Prophet said that "the most educated on what is permitted and forbidden (in Islam) is Mo'ath ibn Jabal" and "Mo'ath will be at the lead of all scholars on Judgment Day."

Mo’ath is regarded as the most educated in matters of Halal (sanctioned acts) and Haram (prohibited acts). Prophet Muhammad sent Mo'ath ibn Jabal as a teacher for the people of Yemen, and later followed Abu Ubeida Amer ibn Al-Jarrah on his victories, becoming his successor.

In Aqaba he was beside the Prophet and his followers from Medina, where he took part in the Allegiance Convention. He died at the age of 38, spending his short life teaching faith and the Holy Qur'an.

Shurahbil ibn Husnah

Shurahbil ibn Hasanah fled to Abyssinia among the early Muslims and was a Venerable Companion. Shurahbil ibn Hasanah was named for his strong faith, bravery, intelligence and successful administration. He played an active role in the Battle of Yarmouk and the conquering of the Jerusalem campaign, and was assigned by Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, to command the army to conquer Jordan.

Shurahbil was later appointed governor of the province in Greater Syria by Caliph Omar ibn Al-Khattab, where he distinguished fair dealings with subordinates. Abu Ubeida Amer ibn Al-Jarrah and Shurahbil both died from the plague on the same day.

Amir ibn Abi Waqqas

Amir ibn Abi Waqqas was the maternal cousin of the Prophet and the 11th man to convert to Islam. Devoted to his faith, his mother Himnah, daughter of Abi Sufyan ibn Harb ibn Umayyah, vowed to stay out in the sun if he did not renounce Islam.

He migrated to Abyssinia and fought in the Battle of Uhud and later was consigned with carrying messages from the officers of the Muslim army to the Caliph in Medina. Abu Ubeida was governing the military region of Syria at the time. North of the Jordan Valley within the village of Waqqas, You can visit his tomb located inside the new building erected on vaults.

Derar ibn Al-Azwar

The Venerable Companion Derar ibn Al-Azwar was a poet and fierce warrior. He took part in the conquest of Greater Syria, along with his sister Khawlah bint Al-Azwar. He also fell victim to the Great Plague in the 18th year after Hijra. In the Jordan Valley, specifically in the town of Deir Alla, you can find the tomb of Dirar ibn Al-Azwar.

After breakfast, we will start by heading out to the Khirbet Ayyub southwest of Salt. The last resting place of Prophet Ayyub 'Job', has been mentioned four times in the Holy Qur'an, stating his legendary faith and patience, which gave him strength to endure great hardships. He was rewarded with blessings as mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "And [mention] Job, when he called to his Lord, "Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful." So We responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity. And We gave him [back] his family and the like thereof with them as mercy from Us and a reminder for the worshippers [of Allah]" (Sura 21, verses 83-84).

Salt City Tour

We then head to the city of Salt, which was of great importance in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was a chief administrative Centre for the surrounding area throughout the time of Turkish rule. In the 1920s, in the newly independent state of Transjordan, the city was considered a likely choice for capital. However, Salt was bypassed in Favour of Amman—a centrally located village. As a result, Amman transformed into a flourishing modern city, while Salt preserved its small-town attractiveness.

Salt is filled with magnificent Ottoman architecture in the classical style due to its history as a Turkish Centre of government. You will instantly recognize the long-arched windows, typical of Ottoman houses, as well as an array of steeples atop tall minaret towers over the village. A morning or evening spent walking through the picturesque streets of this fascinating village is a time very well spent.

Afterwards, we will start by heading out to Salt’s surroundings. We will be able to visit several tombs of prominent figures of Islam and others mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. 


Prophet Shu'ayb (Jethro)

We visit the shrine of Prophet Shu'ayb (Jethro), Midianite father-in-law of Prophet Moses, with whom he took refuge with after killing an Egyptian. The shrine lies inside a modern mosque in Wadi Shu'ayb.

His people were practicing corrupt methods in trade, such as under-weighing and under-measuring the commodities they sold. He frequently preached to them about monotheism and encouraged them to abandon their corrupt ways.

Prophet Yusha (Joshua)

On a hill carrying his name, lies the shrine of Prophet Yusha (Joshua) inside a mosque to the west of Salt. Prophet Yusha was a student of Prophet Moses and later became his successor. He led armies of the tribes of Israel to conquer the land of Palestine.  

The Prophet Khidr

The Prophet Khidr is mentioned in the Surat Al-Kahf (Chapter 18) in the Qur’an, but not by name. He is a mysterious, immortal figure that Musa encounters at the spot where the ‘two seas’ meet (i.e. at the place where the mortal world meets the world of immortal life, as shown by the event of the fish coming back to life), and that he consequently requests to be allowed to accompany. However, Musa questions Khidr’s actions three times, and finally Khidr, explaining his (righteous) motives, parts with Musa.

Islamic tradition describes that Khidr is one of five or four blessed figures in history that never really died—others being Enoch/Idris; Ilyas/Khidr; Elijah; Isa/Maryam (Mary); and Jesue—all ascended to heaven directly (similar to Prophet Muhammad during Isra). As a result, these few can return to this world at will, and in fact Khidr and Ilyas/Elijah are said to meet through the Hajj at Mecca every year (this also reveals why Khidr has so many shrines/places blessed by him, but no tombs. Jordan is traditionally ‘his land’).

Prophet Khidr is identified in Christianity with St. George and his shrine in Mahis also serves as a local Christian shrine to St. George.

Now we continue to Amman and your hotel to rest and be ready for another exciting day.

Today we head north to visit the battlefield of Yarmouk. A major battle took place here between the armies of the East Roman-Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Arab forces led by Khalid Al-Walid. 

The battle commenced on 12th August, 636 AD and lasted for six days.  

The Battlefield

The battleground lies in the highland region about 65km southwest of the Golan Heights, currently on the frontier between Jordan, Israel and Syria.

The battle was fought on the plain of Yarmouk, enclosed on its western edges by a deep valley known as Wadi-ur-Raqad (around 200m deep). This valley meets the Yarmouk River, which flows into the Yarmouk Valley. 

The Battle

Yarmouk was a crucial battle in Islamic history. Al Tabari, an Arab historian, stated "there was never a battle as that of Yarmouk". The battle lasted six days and marked one of the first Islamic conquests after the death of Muhammad, rapidly spreading the advancement of Islam in an area that was predominantly Christian.

The Muslim army won the battle by following the Byzantines into the Yarmouk riverbed, spreading the fight from the north of Mukheibeh up to the Wadi Qwaylbeh (Abila), and concluded with the Muslim pursuit of the Byzantines into several canyons. 

Khalid Bin Al Walid, the leader of the Muslim army, successfully pursued and killed Mahan, one of the Byzantines leaders. The other Byzantine leader Hercules, successfully escaped to Antioch, and is quoted saying: "Farewell to Syria, for the last time." 

The Prophet Dawud Shrine

The Prophet Dawud was both a prophet and a king of his people, the Children of Israel. He slew Jalut/Goliath and succeeded Talut/Saul as king. God revealed the Psalms to him and with him, the very hills and birds sung God’s praises. He campaigned for many years and defeated the enemies of his people. According to Islam, the Prophet Dawud is regarded as flawless and to say otherwise is sacrilegious. He spent some time in Jordan, while he was at odds with Saul, and later while he was on his campaign. The Holy Qur’an says (38: 17-18):

“Bear with what they tell, and remember Our bondman Dawud, lord of might. Lo! He was ever turning in remorse [to his Lord]. Lo! We commanded the hills to hymn the praises [of their Lord] by him at nightfall and sunrise.”


We continue to visit Abul-Darda the Venerable Companion’s tomb found in a new building in the town of Soam Al-Shunnaq near Irbid.

Abul-Darda  was best known for exceeding everyone else in memorizing, narrating and carrying Prophet Muhammad's hadith. He took a role in the military campaigns and was later designated as governor of the Bahrain region.

The Prophet Hud

Prophet Hud was an ancient Arab Prophet and a descendant of Prophet Nuh. God sent him to his tribe the ‘Aad to warn them that they must praise the one true God, but he was mocked and accused of madness. 
A frightful drought was sent by God as a warning, which went unnoticed. So He sent a terrifying wind and black cloud for seven nights and eight days, which eventually led to the deaths of all the non-believers. Hud and his followers escaped God’s wrath. The eleventh Sura in the Qur’an is named after Hud and says (11:50):

“And unto ‘Aad [We sent] their brother, Hud.
He said: O my people! Serve God. Ye have no other god save Him. Lo! Ye does but invents [the idols]!”

Today we visit where Hanif Zeid bin Amir first heard of the coming of the Prophet, followed by the site of Prophet Muhammad’s early meeting with the Monk Bahira.

Corresponding to Islamic tradition (specifically according to Ibn Hisham’s recension of Ibn Ishaq’s Seerah), about the time of the birth of the Prophet, the Meccan Hanif Zeid bin ‘Amr bin Nufayl decided to leave Mecca to travel in search of the Hanifiyyah, the religion of Abraham. 

He wandered about Syria and Iraq questioning monks and rabbis until he eventually met a monk at Mayfa’ah, in the land of Al-Balqa’. This monk told him that a prophet would soon arise amongst his people with the ‘religion of Abraham’. 

Excavations made by the Franciscan Archaeological Institute at Um-Rasas, 30 kilometres southeast of Madaba in 1986, revealed mosaic floors in the church of St. Stephen that carried the ancient name of ‘Kestron Mefa’a’ three times. 

The same name was discovered on two Greek vignettes of the city dating back to the 6th century. Roman Army records found among the ruins also identify the Mefa’a on the ‘plateau of Moab’.

This evidence clearly defines the site where Hanif Zeid bin Amir first heard the prediction concerning the coming of the Prophet as Um Rasas.

We then move on to the site where the Prophet encountered Monk Bahira. This was the caravan stop of ‘Bostra of Al-Sham’. There is an old tree near Safawi, which is said to be where the Prophet took shelter, and possibly where he was first spotted by the monk.

Although Um Rasas is a recent discovery, the tree in Safawi has long been marked by the local population as a significant site.

Prophet Yahya

The Prophet Yahya was the son of the Prophet Zakariyya/Zachariah and therefore cousin to the blessed Virgin Maryam/Mary. 

Yahya was a religious, ascetic son that motivated others with scripture and travelled the land teaching the word of God, foretelling the imminent arrival of the Messiah. His birth was a miraculous one as his parents were too old to conceive. They were given one in response to his father’s prayer for a son that would carry on his commitment to preaching.

When asked by King Herod Antipas as to the illicitness of his marriage, he refused to acknowledge it as legal. He was beheaded for this refusal, at the encouragement of Salome, in Herod’s citadel at Mukawir/Machaerus. His head was taken and buried at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. His body remained and was buried in Mukawir.

Prophet Noah

Mentioned in the Qur’an numerous times, Prophet Noah is one of the oldest prophets. There is even a Sura (Chapter 71) titled after him. His tale is that God sent him to his people to warn them to praise only Him and forsake all other idols. 

He was frequently refused, and all but a few poor people heeded his warning. Finally, God flooded the earth. Prophet Noah and his followers were spared as they were told to build an ark to survive the floods.

Battle of Mutah

The most notable battle fought throughout Prophet Muhammad's‎ lifetime was the Battle of Mutah, which claimed the lives of his dearest companions, Abdullah bin Ruwaha, Ja'far  bin Abi Talib, and Zeid bin Haritha. They were fighting against a combined Ghssanid and Byzantine army. 

The Muslim army was led by the courageous Zeid bin Haritha (Prophet Muhammad's adopted son) until he fell. Prophet Muhammad’s cousin, the Venerable Companion Ja'far bin Abi Talib, took the flag after Zeid and is known as ‘the flying Ja'far’ because he managed to hold the flag after losing his hands in battle.

Ja'far was similar to the Prophet and shared many of his values. He was known for his generosity towards the needy, and for speaking the words of the Prophet.

The Venerable Companion Abdullah bin Ruwahah was third in charge after Ja'far and Zeid and assumed command after Ja’far’s death. Abdullah was known amongst his companions for his loyalty, patience and obedience. Moreover, he was a believer and selflessly committed soldier. He was also a popular poet of his time and consequently the Prophet’s personal poet. 

Abdullah martyred himself during the Battle of Mutah and as his army went off to encounter an overwhelming number of Byzantine and Ghassanid Arab troops, he uttered his famous final words:

"O my soul! If you aren't killed, you're bound to demise anyhow.
This is the fate of death passing you what you have yearned for; you've been granted if you do what they (Ja'far and Zeid) have done, then you are guided."

Jafar bin Abi Talib

Jafar bin Abi Talib bin Abd Al-Muttalib bin Hashim was the Prophet’s first cousin and one of the first Muslims.

He was ten years older than his brother, the Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, and was one of the greatest Companions. Traditions relate that Jafar was the person who most resembled the Prophet in looks and character. 

Jafar was the first to emigrate from Mecca to Abyssinia. He came back to Medina at the time of the conquest of Khaybar. 

When the Prophet saw Jafar upon his return from Khaybar, he kissed him between the eyes and told him, “I do not know for what to be happier, your return or the conquest of Khaybar”. 

He stayed in Medina for several months until the Prophet entrusted him with the deputy command of the army to raid Mu’tah in the region of Kerak. 

He died there in the month of Jamada Al-Uwla in the eighth year after Hijra, at the age of forty-one. At Mu’tah, Jafar’s right and left arms holding the standard of Islam, were severed in combat. Shortly afterwards, the Prophet had a vision of Jafar in the Highest Paradise, sitting with the other martyrs of the battle, but with wings instead of arms. Thus, Jafar became known to posterity as Jafar Al-Tayar – Jafar, the Winged One.

Zeid Ibn Al-Harithah

Abu Usama Zeid Ibn Al-Harithah was the first Companion to embrace Islam after Ali bin Abi Talib. Whilst still a child, Zeid was captured and taken from his mother (of an Arab tribe, far from Mecca) and traded into slavery.
The Prophet bought him in Mecca and gave him his freedom. When Zeid’s father and uncle came to look for him to take him back, Zeid refused, choosing to stay with the Prophet instead. 

Thereupon the Prophet adopted him, announcing: “Zeid is my son. I inherit him, and he inherits me”, and this pleased his father and uncle, who left satisfied. For a while, he was known amongst the Muslims as ‘Zeid bin Muhammad’.

Then came the Qur’an verse (33:5), “call them after their fathers. That is equal in the sight of God,” and Zeid became known as ‘Ibn (the son of) Al-Harithah’ again. Zeid is also the only Companion mentioned in the Qur’an by name (33:37), “So when Zeid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, we gave her unto thee in marriage.” 

Zeid was the Prophet’s leading military commander, and when he was put in charge and sent with an army, as was done with his young son Usama. 

According to The Lady ‘Aisha, had Zeid lived, he would probably have been the first Caliph. Zeid was the Commander-in-Chief of the Muslim forces at Battle of Mu’tah.

Martyred there in the eighth year after the Hijra at the age of fifty-five. The Prophet grieved his death to his Companions with tears in his eyes, but saw him in the Highest Paradise, in the same vision that he saw Jafar.

Abdallah bin Rawahah

The great Companion Abdallah bin Rawahah bin Tha’labah, also perceived as Abu Amro’ Al-Ansari Al-Khazraji Al-Badri, was formerly a Christian scribe from Medina, who participated in the Pact at Aqaba. 

During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet left him behind in charge of Medina. Later he was sent out at the head of a detachment of 30 mounted men to attack Usayr bin Rozam in Khaybar, whom he killed.
He was then appointed by the Prophet to collect alms from the fruits of trees (which were mostly date palms). Abdallah was known for his patience, his love of Jihad, his obedience and his piety. 

According to Abu Al-Darda’a, “if we happened to travel with the Prophet on a hot day, no one would be fasting but the Prophet and Abdallah bin Rawahah”. 

When the following verse was unveiled (26: 224), “as for poets, the erring follows them,” Ibn Rawahah thought himself to be amongst the latter.

When the Muslim army marched on to Mutah close to the region of Ma’an, the Byzantines had prepared a large army to fight them. Zeid then consulted his companions, and they told him to withdraw. 

But Ibn Rawahah remained silent, and when Zeid consulted him personally, he said, “we did not march here to steal but to fight, and we do not fight them because of better equipment or superior numbers, my judgment is to go ahead and fight them”. 

He had been appointed by the Prophet as the third-in-charge of the army, after Zeid and Jafar, and was killed during the Battle of Mu’tah in the eighth year after Hijra. However, he was later seen, along with Zeid and Jafar, in Paradise in the Prophet’s vision.

Lut's Cave

Prophet Lut was the nephew of the Prophet Ibrahim and emigrated with him from Ur (Iraq).

Although the Prophet Ibrahim went to live in Palestine (in Hebron), Lut went to reside in the lands southern of the Dead Sea. Lut warned his people to desist from their homosexual practices, but they would not listen. 

Two angels sent by God warned him to flee, so during the early hours of the night he did that with his daughters, to his cave in Ghor Safi, and the next morning the angels destroyed every last one of the sinners.

“And lo! Lut truly was of those sent [to warn], When We protected him and his household, everyone; Save an old woman among those who left behind, Then We destroyed the others” (Qur’an 37:133-136).

Prophet Isa/Jesus

According to Islam, ‘Isa/Jesus was viewed as the Messiah ‘Isa, son of Maryam, and a prophet of God and His message that he carried unto Mary and a Spirit from Him (4:171).

The question of his super-eminence over the other Messengers expressed as follows (2:153):

“We have favored some of these Messengers over others. Some of them God talked to, while others He asked in degree, and We gave ‘Isa, son of Mary, cleared proofs, and We strengthened him with the Holy Spirit… “

The Holy Qur’an also says (23:50), “And we got the son of Maryam and his mother a Portent...”

‘Isa/Jesus was baptized by Yahya/John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It was then the Holy Spirit settled on him in the form of a dove and emerged into the Jordanian side of the River where he wandered for forty days in the wilderness. 


Prophet Musa/Moses

The Prophet Musa is the prophet mentioned most often in the Holy Qur’an. Many of the events of his life and mission are described in detail.

These include his birth, as he was brought up at Pharaoh’s Court; his argument with the Egyptian that he killed with a blow; his departure to Midian; his marriage to Jethro’s girl, Harun; his departure with the Children of Israel from Egypt; his talking to God and striking the rock; and his anger at his people’s relapsing into praying to the golden calf. 

Many of the incidents that happened to him and his people happened while they roamed the desert before his death. Even though there is no actual tomb on Mount Nebo, it is the place where he died according to the Holy Qur’an (32:23):

“We verily gave Musa the Scripture; so be not ye in doubt of his accepting it, and We selected it a Guidance for the Children of Israel.”

After breakfast, you will be driven to the airport where you will say your goodbyes; a staff member will take your luggage inside and wish you a safe and pleasant trip home.

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